
Fentanyl Overdose Leads To 1.6M Nursing Home Settlement

Ruth Lomeo, a 44-year-old disabled person, will receive $1.6 million from the California nursing home responsible for her care.  In July, 2005 Lomeo was admitted to Edgemoor Geriatric Hospital for treatment of Lupus, a chronic inflammatory disease.  The nursing home staff was responsible for properly administering Fentanyl skin patches to help Lomeo cope with chronic pain.  Physician orders directed the nursing home staff to put the pain patches on alternating arms every 48 hours.

On July 25, 2005, the nursing home staff negligently put two Fentanyl patches on one arm while leaving a third patch in place on the alternate arm.  As a result of the Fentanyl overdose, Lomeo began to experience difficulty breathing.  Despite the medical emergency, the nursing home staff waited more than 20 minutes to call 911.  The overdose compounded with the lack of medical attention lead to brain damage from lack of oxygen.  Read more about this case of a Fentanyl overdose at a California nursing home here.

Fentanyl is an incredibly powerful pain medication.  Medical professionals must strictly follow physician orders and carefully monitor patients to assure safe use of the drug.  Moreover, there have been reports of problems with the membrane on the back of some Fentanyl patches.  If your loved one has sustained an injury or death following administration of Fentanyl, it may be related to improper administration of Fentanyl or with the drug itself.  The experienced Fentanyl lawyers at Nursing Home Law Center LLC know how to evaluate Fentanyl cases.  Speak to an experienced drug litigation lawyer anytime.  (800) 926-7565

Learn more about the laws applicable to California nursing homes here.
Click on the links for information on nursing homes in San Diego , Los Angeles and San Francisco

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