Burns Nursing Home Violations & Ratings

Burns Nursing Home is located in Russellville, Alabama. This facility provides skilled nursing for elderly individuals with significant healthcare needs. Although the nursing home is rated well for the quality of services, it does not have a perfect record of caring for each resident according to their needs.
Nursing home abuse and neglect can ruin the lives of the victims and their families. If you or a loved one have suffered abuse at the hands of nursing home staff or residents, contact our Alabama nursing home abuse lawyers get started with a civil claim for compensation.
Quick Overview
- Name of Nursing Home: Burns Nursing Home
- Address: 701 Monroe Street NW, Russellville, AL 35653
- CMS Overall Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
- CMS Health Inspection Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
- CMS Staffing Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
- CMS Quality Measures Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
- Federal Fines in Last Three Years: 2 fines totaling $24,644
- Payment Denials by Medicare in the Last 3 Years: 0
- Consumer Alert: No consumer alert
- Total Bed Capacity: 57
- Ownership Type: For-profit corporation [1]
Nursing Home Overview
This small nursing home has only 57 certified beds so that staff can devote more attention to each resident. The nurses and administrators provide residents with long-term care, daily living support, rehabilitation, and therapy services.
This Alabama nursing home has a spotty record of violations. These offenses have been discovered through state inspections and complaint reports. The number of violations has led to a poor Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services rating.
Nursing Home CMS Rating
A CMS rating is based on a five-star scoring system to assess nursing homes nationwide. One star is below average, while five stars are above average. Four individual scores are associated with a CMS rating: overall, health inspections, staffing, and quality measures.
Burns Nursing Home’s overall rating is two stars and was named one of the worst facilities in Alabama. Health inspections received two stars, staffing received four stars, and quality measures received four stars. The institution has been fined twice in the past three years, totaling $24,644.
- Rehabilitation – Patients recovering from hospital stays or other conditions receive assistance from nurses to aid in their recovery.
- Long-term care – A resident who requires a long-term accommodation will find comfortable rooms and numerous amenities within the community.
- Therapy – Various types of therapy can help with injury recovery and pain management.
- Daily living support – Consistent nurse support for basic living activities, such as bathing, dressing, eating, and taking medications.
Nursing Home Abuse: Violations and Citations
- Failure to develop and complete a care plan for each patient.
- Failure to keep the area clear of accident hazards.
- Failure to provide and implement an infection prevention plan.
- Failure to electronically submit to CMS complete and accurate direct care staffing information [2].
Impact on Residents
The community at this nursing home feels the impact of violations in physical and emotional ways. Only complete care plans in nursing homes result in better care services and better communication. Accident hazards can cause trips and falls that lead to severe injuries. The lack of an infection prevention plan could cause health hazards and fear in the community. Lastly, failing to follow CMS guidelines can erode trust in this Alabama institution. Patients must trust that every nurse and administrator has their best interests in mind and can provide the highest level of care.
Legal Rights and Actions
People who have been abused or neglected at a nursing facility are free to file civil lawsuits against the offenders to pursue compensation. Legal damages that could make you eligible for a civil claim include emotional distress, physical pain, medical bills, therapy costs, and loss of enjoyment of life. If these damages were caused by a nurse, administrator, or other resident because of negligence, you have the right under Alabama law to file a claim.
To hold these nursing homes accountable for poor care, you need legal assistance to increase your chances of winning compensation. The Nursing Home Law Center can guide you through the legal process to ensure you are equipped to earn a fair settlement. Our team will gather evidence and strengthen your claim.
Contact our team today for a free consultation to learn about the claims process in Russellville, Alabama.
Resources: [1] Medicare – Burns Nursing Home, [2] US News – Burns Nursing Home,