
Lawyer Resources for Medical Malpractice


Never Event #3: Poorly Controlled Blood Sugar, Hyperglycemia & Hypoglycemia

Medicare has determined that complications associated with poorly controlled blood sugar should be included on the ‘never list’ as they are so easily avoidable that the costs of the treatment should not be permitted to be submitted to CMS for reimbursement.  In 2007, there were 14,929 reported cases of poorly…


Never Event #1: Hospital Falls & Trauma

Falls in trauma top the list of preventable medical conditions in hospitals, accounting for 193,566 incidents in 2007.  Falls in hospitals (and similarly in nursing homes) are deemed to be preventable by Medicare because with proper fall/risk assessments and staff assistance most falls in hospital could be avoided.  A number of…


Medical Malpractice And Nursing Homes

Medical malpractice claims arise when people are injured by negligent or intentional acts of a licensed medical professional.  Medical malpractice claims may involve a: doctor, nurse, psychiatrist, dentist, chiropractor, podiatrist, hospital, or other healthcare provider. If a physician or hospital is determined to be legally responsible for causing an injuring…

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