$3,100,000Pressure sore death
$2,333,000Fall involving traumatic brain injury
$1,500,000Bedsore settlement
$1,499,000Dementia patient injury
$1,250,000Repeated fall injuries

Soft Tissue Infections in Nursing Homes

Skin infections are a common problem for nursing home residents. Soft tissue infections, including pressure ulcers and fungal nail infections, can develop quickly and cause significant discomfort, pain, and severe complications.

Infections in caregiving homes can be challenging to treat, as residents often have weakened immune systems and underlying medical conditions that make them more susceptible to infection. Additionally, pressure ulcer development is a significant risk for nursing home patients, which can lead to further skin breakdown and additional pressure ulcers.

The personal injury attorneys at Nursing Home Law Center, LLC are dedicated to helping nursing home patients who have suffered from preventable soft tissue infections. Contact our nursing home abuse lawyers at (800) 926-7565 or use the contact form to schedule a free consultation.

Understanding Soft Tissue Infections in Nursing Homes

Soft tissue infections are a common problem for nursing patients, with a high risk of developing pressure ulcers, fungal nail infections, and other skin and soft tissue infections. In fact, according to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), soft tissue infections are common in nursing facilities.

Risk Factors for Soft Tissue Infections in Nursing Home Residents

Several risk factors contribute to developing soft tissue infections in nursing patients. One of the most significant is an individual’s clinical condition.

Many residents have underlying medical conditions that weaken their immune system and make them more susceptible to infection. Other risk factors include advanced age, poor nutrition, and dehydration.

The Third Most Common Infection in Nursing Homes

Soft tissue infections are a significant health concern in caregiving homes, with decubitus ulcers and fungal infections being the most common types. CMS reports that a soft tissue infection is the third most common infection in nursing facilities, after urinary tract and respiratory infections.

This highlights the need for proper infection prevention strategies and early detection and treatment of soft tissue infections.

Overall, understanding the risk factors for soft tissue infections in residents and the prevalence of these infections is crucial to developing effective prevention and treatment strategies.

Types of Skin and Soft Tissue Infections in Nursing Homes

Nursing home patients are at high risk for developing skin and soft tissue infections, including pressure ulcers and fungal infections. These infections can cause significant discomfort and even severe complications, highlighting the need for proper prevention and treatment strategies.

Pressure Ulcers and Their Impact on Skin Integrity

Pressure ulcers, also known as bedsores, are a common type of soft tissue infection that develops due to prolonged pressure on the skin. These ulcers can occur in any body area subjected to pressure, such as the hips, tailbone, or heels. Pressure ulcers are a significant concern in nursing homes, as residents who are bedridden or have limited mobility are at high risk of developing these ulcers.

The Development and Treatment of Pressure Ulcers

The development of pressure ulcers is typically classified into four stages, with stage 1 being the mildest and stage 4 being the most severe. Treatment for pressure ulcers typically involves relieving pressure on the affected area, keeping the pressure ulcer clean and moist, and administering antibiotics if necessary. Advanced cases may require surgical intervention.

The Role of Diabetes Mellitus in Pressure Sore Development

Individuals with diabetes mellitus are at a higher risk of developing pressure ulcers due to impaired circulation and decreased sensation in the affected area. Additionally, high blood glucose levels can slow down the healing process, making it more difficult to treat these infections in diabetic residents.

Nail Infections in Nursing Home Patients

Nail infections are another common soft tissue infection in nursing facilities, leading to significant discomfort and pain. These infections typically affect the toenails and can cause thickening, discoloration, and separation of the nail from the nail bed.

Common Symptoms and Signs of Nail Infections

Early signs of nail infections in nursing patients include a nail color or shape change, a foul odor, and pain or discomfort in the affected area. The nail may become thick and brittle as the infection progresses, making it difficult to trim.

The Importance of Early Detection and Treatment of Nail Infections

Early detection and treatment of nail infections is crucial to preventing the infection from spreading to other body parts. Treatment typically involves topical or oral antifungal medications and proper foot hygiene to prevent reinfection.

Preventing Soft Tissue Infections in Nursing Homes

Prevention is vital in avoiding soft tissue infections. Best practices for preventing skin degradation and infections in nursing facilities include:

  • Regular assessments
  • Proper nutrition and hydration
  • Following protocols ensuring residents do not develop pressure ulcers in the facility
  • Using strategies for reducing the risk of developing a pressure ulcer

Best Practices for Preventing Skin Breakdown and Infections in Nursing Homes

To prevent these infections in nursing home patients, it is essential to maintain good skin integrity through proper hygiene, regular assessment of skin conditions, and adequate hydration and nutrition.

Regular skin assessments can help identify potential issues before they become infections and allow for prompt treatment. Sometimes, the individual’s clinical condition demonstrates a need for additional support and resources to prevent the development of skin and soft tissue infections.

The Role of Regular Assessments in Preventing Infections

Regular assessments of residents’ skin are crucial in preventing soft tissue infections. These assessments should be performed by trained healthcare professionals and include a thorough skin inspection for signs of breakdown or infection. Early detection and treatment can prevent infections from becoming more severe and causing serious complications.

The Importance of Proper Nutrition and Hydration for Skin Health

Adequate nutrition and hydration are essential for maintaining healthy skin and preventing infections. Nursing home staff should ensure that residents receive a balanced diet and adequate fluids to maintain skin health and prevent dehydration.

Strategies for Reducing the Risk of Pressure Ulcer Development

Reducing the risk of pressure sore development is crucial in preventing soft tissue infections in caregiving homes. Strategies for reducing the risk of decubitus ulcers include using specialized equipment, such as pressure-reducing mattresses and cushions, and proper positioning and turning to relieve pressure on vulnerable body areas.

The Use of Specialized Equipment to Prevent Pressure Ulcers

Using specialized equipment, such as pressure-reducing mattresses and cushions, can significantly reduce the risk of decubitus ulcers in nursing residents. These products distribute pressure evenly across the body, reducing the likelihood of developing pressure ulcers.

The Importance of Proper Positioning and Turning to Prevent Pressure Ulcers

Proper positioning and turning are essential in preventing decubitus ulcers in nursing home patients. Staff should ensure that residents are repositioned regularly and have the appropriate support and cushions to prevent pressure buildup in vulnerable body areas.

By implementing these prevention strategies, nursing home staff can significantly reduce their residents’ risk of infections.

Treating Soft Tissue Infections in Nursing Homes

Early detection and treatment of soft tissue infections in nursing home patients are crucial in preventing complications and promoting healing. Treatment options include oral antibiotics, local wound care, and consultation with wound care specialists in local hospitals.

Oral Antibiotic Treatment for Soft Tissue Infections

Oral antibiotics are a standard treatment option for soft tissue infections in nursing residents. These medications kill the bacteria that cause the infection, allowing the body to heal. It is essential to complete the course of antibiotics as prescribed, even if symptoms improve before the medication is finished.

Common Types of Antibiotics Used in Treating Infections

There are several types of antibiotics that may be prescribed to treat soft tissue infections in nursing centers, including penicillin, cephalosporins, and macrolides. The choice of antibiotic depends on the type of infection and the individual’s clinical condition.

The Importance of Completing the Full Course of Antibiotics

Completing the full course of antibiotics is essential in preventing the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria and ensuring that the infection is fully treated. Stopping antibiotics prematurely can lead to recurrent or more severe infections.

Local Wound Care for Soft Tissue Infections

In addition to oral antibiotics, local wound care is crucial for treating soft tissue infections in nursing home patients. Proper wound care includes regular dressing changes and wound cleaning to prevent further infection and promote healing.

The Importance of Regular Dressing Changes and Wound Cleaning

Regular dressing changes and wound cleaning are essential in promoting healing and preventing the spread of infection. Nursing home staff should follow appropriate wound care protocols and ensure that residents receive proper hygiene and care.

The Role of Local Hospital and Wound Care Specialists in Treating Infections

In severe cases, nursing home patients with soft tissue infections may require consultation with wound care specialists in local hospitals. These specialists can provide advanced treatment options, such as debridement or surgical intervention, to promote healing and prevent complications.

When a nursing home resident develops a preventable soft tissue infection, legal options may be available to hold the nursing home accountable for their actions.

When a nursing home resident develops a preventable soft tissue infection, legal recourse may be available to hold the facility accountable. Depending on the circumstances, legal action may include filing a lawsuit for negligence or abuse or filing a complaint with state regulatory agencies.

Legal professionals can help nursing home patients and their families pursue legal action in cases of preventable infections. These professionals can advise and guide the legal process, represent residents in court, and work to ensure that residents receive proper compensation.

Compensation for Preventable Soft Tissue Infections

Compensation for preventable soft tissue infections may include reimbursement for medical expenses, pain and suffering, and other damages resulting from the infection. Legal professionals can help residents and their families understand their legal rights and options for pursuing compensation.

Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer to Resolve Your Nursing Home Abuse Case

Were you or a loved one harmed by neglect or abuse by nursing home staff, employees, or other residents? If so, our personal injury at torneys at Nursing Home Law Center, LLC can help you hold the nursing facility financially accountable for their actions.

Contact us today at (800) 926-7565 for a free consultation and learn how our experienced lawyers can help you pursue justice. Plus, we work on a contingency fee basis, so you won’t owe us anything unless we win your case.



Nursing Home State Laws

Nursing home abuse lawsuits must be pursued according to the laws set forth by the state where the facility is located. In this section, our attorneys have compiled the relevant laws, regulations and local organizations for each state so you can get an idea of how the law impacts your situation. Should you decide to move forward with a case, you will also find information about locating an experienced attorney who can assist your family.

Client Reviews

Jonathan did a great job helping my family navigate through a lengthy lawsuit involving my grandmother's death in a nursing home. Through every step of the case, Jonathan kept my family informed of the progression of the case. Although our case eventually settled at a mediation, I really was...

- Lisa

After I read Jonathan’s Nursing Home Blog, I decided to hire him to look into my wife’s treatment at a local nursing home. Jonathan did a great job explaining the process and the laws that apply to nursing homes. I immediately felt at ease and was glad to have him on my side. Though the lawsuit...

- Eric