$3,100,000Pressure sore death
$2,333,000Fall involving traumatic brain injury
$1,500,000Bedsore settlement
$1,499,000Dementia patient injury
$1,250,000Repeated fall injuries

Redding Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer

Anthony Lanzone
Attorney Anthony Lanzone
Licensed in California

Nursing homes should be places of safety and care, but unfortunately, abuse and neglect can occur within these facilities. The vulnerable residents, many of whom rely on nursing staff for their daily needs, can become victims of physical, emotional, financial, or even sexual abuse. 

For families with loved ones in Redding, California, nursing homes, discovering signs of mistreatment can be overwhelming and heartbreaking.

Seeking legal help is vital when abuse is suspected or confirmed. An experienced nursing home abuse lawyer understands the challenges these cases present and can help victims and their families navigate the legal system to pursue justice. 

Holding negligent facilities accountable not only seeks compensation for the victim but can also prevent future incidents of abuse from occurring.

Why Hire Nursing Home Law Center

At Nursing Home Law Center, our focus is on obtaining justice and fair compensation for those affected by nursing home abuse. Our seasoned legal team brings extensive experience in handling these sensitive cases and has achieved numerous successful settlements and verdicts.

We conduct comprehensive investigations to ensure that every aspect of the abuse is thoroughly examined, including medical costs, emotional distress, and other associated damages. With our in-depth knowledge of nursing home abuse claims, we manage each case efficiently and advocate strongly to safeguard your rights.

From start to finish, we offer empathetic and clear guidance, ensuring you and your loved ones stay informed, supported, and confident at every stage of the legal journey.

Types of Cases Handled by Our Redding Nursing Home Abuse Lawyers

Redding, CA Nursing Home Ratings Graph

Nursing home abuse refers to any form of harm or mistreatment inflicted upon residents in long-term care facilities, whether intentional or due to negligence. This abuse can take many forms, and families need to recognize the signs and seek legal assistance when their loved ones are affected. Below are some of the most common types of abuse that we handle.

Physical Abuse

Physical abuse involves the intentional infliction of pain or injury on a resident. This assault can include hitting, pushing, or using unnecessary force. One common form of physical abuse is the improper use of restraints, where staff may tie down or otherwise restrict residents without justification, causing physical and emotional harm.

Mental and Emotional Abuse

Psychological and emotional abuse can be just as damaging as physical harm. This type of abuse involves verbal threats, humiliation, intimidation, or isolation, which can cause severe emotional trauma. For example, staff may belittle or yell at residents, leaving them feeling powerless or anxious, or they may isolate them from other residents as a form of punishment.

Sexual Abuse

Sexual abuse in nursing homes is a particularly horrific form of mistreatment that involves any non-consensual sexual contact with a resident. Due to their vulnerable condition, many victims are unable to defend themselves or communicate what has happened. 

Signs of sexual abuse may include unexplained injuries in sensitive areas, sudden emotional withdrawal, or changes in behavior.

Medical Malpractice

Medical malpractice occurs when the standard of care is not met, resulting in harm to a resident. This may include issues such as bedsores (also known as pressure ulcers), medication errors, or inadequate treatment of medical conditions. 

For example, a resident left in the same position for too long may develop painful bedsores, or an incorrect dosage of medication could lead to serious health complications.


Negligence in nursing homes can take many forms, often relating to the failure to provide basic care. This includes poor hygiene practices, leaving residents malnourished or dehydrated, and failing to prevent elopement (where a resident wanders off unsupervised). Neglect can lead to a rapid decline in a resident’s health and well-being.

Financial Abuse

Financial abuse involves the exploitation of a resident’s financial resources, often by those entrusted with their care. This exploitation can include unauthorized withdrawals from bank accounts, coercing the resident into altering their will, or forging signatures on financial documents. 

Older adults are particularly vulnerable to this type of abuse due to cognitive decline or their trusting nature.

Wrongful Death

In the most tragic cases, nursing home abuse or neglect can result in wrongful death due to severe physical abuse, untreated medical conditions, or dangerous neglect like dehydration or malnutrition. If a loved one has died under suspicious circumstances in a Redding nursing home, it is essential to investigate and hold the responsible parties accountable.

Understanding Your Legal Rights

Nursing home residents are protected by both federal and state laws designed to ensure their safety and dignity. These laws outline the obligations that nursing homes must meet and provide residents with rights that protect them from abuse, neglect, and exploitation.

One of the most significant federal laws safeguarding residents is the Nursing Home Reform Act of 1987, which sets national standards of care and guarantees specific rights to all nursing home residents.

In addition to federal protections, California state laws also provide specific rights to nursing home residents. 

For instance, California’s Elder Abuse and Dependent Adult Civil Protection Act provides legal avenues to hold facilities accountable for abuse and neglect. The law allows for criminal and civil action against nursing homes or caregivers who engage in abusive behavior.

Eligibility to File a Claim

Residents themselves have the right to take legal action if they are capable. However, in many cases, a family member, legal guardian, or power of attorney may file a claim on behalf of the victim, especially if the resident is incapacitated or unable to advocate for themselves. 

Additionally, in cases of wrongful death, the surviving family members can pursue a legal claim to seek justice for their loss.

Liability in Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect Cases 

In nursing home abuse cases, several parties may be held accountable for the harm caused to residents. Liability isn’t limited to the individual caregiver involved in the abuse; depending on the circumstances of the case, multiple parties can be responsible. Identifying the liable parties is crucial in ensuring victims receive the compensation and justice they deserve.

Nursing Home Facility

The nursing home itself can be held responsible for the abuse or neglect that occurs within its walls. It can be considered negligent if the facility fails to conduct proper background checks on employees, maintain adequate staffing levels, or implement appropriate safety policies. 

For example, if a resident develops severe bedsores due to the facility’s failure to provide proper care, the nursing home may be directly liable.

Administrators and Supervisors

A nursing home’s management and administrative staff can also be liable if they fail to oversee the facility’s operations adequately. Negligent hiring practices, insufficient staff training, or failure to address reported abuse can make supervisors responsible for the harm caused by their employees’ actions.

Nursing Home Staff

Individual staff members, including nurses, aides, and other caregivers, can be held accountable for any physical, emotional, or financial abuse they inflict on residents. For instance, if a caregiver is caught physically restraining a resident without medical justification, they could be personally liable for the harm caused.

Medical Professionals

Doctors, nurses, or other healthcare providers employed by or affiliated with the nursing home may be responsible for medical malpractice, such as failing to diagnose or treat medical conditions appropriately. 

For example, if a doctor ignores a resident’s deteriorating health, leading to severe complications, that healthcare professional could be held accountable for their negligence.

Third-Party Contractors

Many nursing homes contract third-party vendors to provide services like medical care, food preparation, or maintenance. If an external contractor’s negligence leads to harm—such as a medication error by an outsourced nurse or unsanitary food preparation leading to illness—the third-party company can also be liable for the damages.

How Our Redding Nursing Home Abuse Attorneys Can Help

At Nursing Home Law Center, our attorneys have extensive experience handling nursing home abuse cases, providing dedicated legal representation for victims and their families. We understand the emotional and physical toll that abuse and neglect can cause, and we are committed to guiding you through every step of the legal process. 

Our team has a proven track record of obtaining justice and compensation for those affected by mistreatment in nursing homes, and we offer a range of services to support you throughout your case.

Free Case Evaluation

We start by offering a free case evaluation to understand the specifics of your situation. During this consultation, we’ll review the details of your case, discuss your legal options, and explain the process moving forward. This step allows us to assess the strength of your claim and give you a clear understanding of what to expect without any upfront costs or commitments.

Case Investigation

Once we take on your case, our attorneys will thoroughly investigate and gather the necessary evidence to support your claim. This evidence may include interviewing witnesses, reviewing medical records, and examining nursing home policies and staff behavior. Building a comprehensive case ensures that all responsible parties are held accountable for their actions.

Filing the Claim

After completing the investigation, our legal team will file the formal claim on your behalf. We handle all the necessary paperwork and legal filings, ensuring your case complies with California state laws and court procedures. This step is crucial in formally seeking compensation for the harm caused to your loved one.

Settlement Negotiation

Many nursing home abuse cases are resolved through settlement negotiations rather than going to trial. Our attorneys are skilled negotiators working to secure a fair settlement that covers medical expenses, emotional distress, and other damages. We will advocate to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve without unnecessary delays.

Trial if Needed

Our team is fully prepared to take your case to trial if a fair settlement cannot be reached. We have the experience and resources to represent you in court, presenting a strong case to a judge or jury to ensure justice.

Common Signs of Nursing Home Abuse

Some forms of abuse are more pronounced, while others can be subtle and harder to detect. Being aware of the warning signs can help family members and loved ones take action before the situation worsens. Here are some common indicators of abuse to watch for:

Physical Injuries

Unexplained injuries such as bruises, cuts, fractures, or burns may be signs of physical abuse. Repeated injuries or patterns of harm—such as bruises in the shape of restraints—are clear red flags. Family members should also look for signs of over-sedation, sudden weight loss, or untreated medical conditions like infections.

Behavioral Changes

Victims of mental or emotional abuse may display sudden changes in behavior, such as becoming withdrawn, depressed, or anxious. They may also exhibit fear or nervousness around certain staff members. Emotional abuse can cause severe mental trauma, which often manifests in mood swings, confusion, or increased agitation. 

Victims of physical or sexual abuse may become fearful of being alone with caregivers and may show signs of distress when specific staff members enter their rooms.

Poor Personal Hygiene

Neglect often leads to poor hygiene, where residents are left in soiled clothing or not bathed regularly. Untrimmed nails, unkempt hair, and foul odors indicate that the nursing home staff may not be providing the necessary care..

Sudden Financial Changes

Financial abuse can result in sudden and unexplained changes in a resident’s financial situation. These changes may include unusual withdrawals from bank accounts, unauthorized charges, or alterations to wills or power of attorney documents. 

If your loved one seems confused about their finances or unable to account for missing money, this could be a sign of financial exploitation.

Bedsores or Other Medical Conditions

Bedsores, or pressure ulcers, are a common sign of neglect. They develop when a resident is left in the same position for extended periods without being turned or moved. If not treated promptly, bedsores can become infected, leading to serious health complications. 

Additionally, untreated infections, dehydration, malnutrition, and medication errors may all point to medical neglect.

Elopement or Wandering

If a resident with cognitive impairments or mobility issues can wander off the premises or is found unattended in unsafe areas, this is a clear sign of neglect. Nursing homes are required to supervise residents, especially those with conditions like dementia, to prevent them from eloping and endangering themselves.

What to Do If You Suspect Nursing Home Abuse

If you believe that a loved one is experiencing nursing home abuse, taking swift and decisive action is critical to protect them from further harm. Follow these steps to ensure their safety and hold those responsible accountable:

Call 911 if Immediate Danger Exists

If you suspect that your loved one is in immediate danger—whether from physical harm, medical neglect, or any other form of abuse—call 911 right away. Emergency services can provide immediate intervention and remove your loved one from a dangerous situation.

Report to the Nursing Home Administrator or Management

Once your loved one is safe, report the suspected abuse to the nursing home’s administrator or management. They are responsible for the facility’s overall operations, and making them aware of the situation can prompt an internal investigation. Be sure to document your concerns and any responses you receive.

File a Complaint with Your Local Ombudsman’s Office

Your local Ombudsman’s office advocates for nursing home residents, working to resolve complaints and improve conditions in long-term care facilities. The Ombudsman can investigate your concerns, mediate with the nursing home, and protect residents’ rights.

Contact a Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer

Finally, consult with an experienced nursing home abuse lawyer to explore your legal options. A lawyer can help you hold the facility accountable, pursue compensation for your loved one’s injuries, and prevent future abuse. At Nursing Home Law Center, we offer free consultations and will guide you through every step of the legal process to ensure justice is served.

Damages You Can Recover Through a Nursing Home Abuse Claim

Victims of nursing home abuse and their families may be entitled to various types of compensation to address the harm they have suffered. Each type of compensation is designed to account for different aspects of the abuse and its impact on the victim’s life.

Economic Damages

Economic damages are meant to compensate for the financial losses directly associated with the abuse or neglect. These are quantifiable costs that the victim or their family incurs due to the mistreatment. Examples include:

  • Medical Expenses: Cost of treatment for injuries sustained as a result of the abuse, including hospital bills, medication, physical therapy, or ongoing medical care.
  • Relocation Costs: Expenses associated with moving the resident to a new facility to escape the abusive environment.
  • Lost Wages (if applicable): If the victim or a family member had to take time off work to address the situation or provide care, lost wages may be recoverable.
  • Funeral Expenses: In wrongful death cases, families can seek compensation for funeral and burial costs.

Non-Economic Damages

Noneconomic damages are intended to compensate for the emotional and psychological impact of the abuse. These damages are more challenging to quantify but are as important in recognizing the victim’s suffering. Examples include:

  • Pain and Suffering: Compensation for the physical pain and emotional distress endured by the victim due to the abuse.
  • Emotional Trauma: The emotional toll of experiencing abuse, which may include anxiety, depression, or loss of enjoyment in life.
  • Loss of Companionship: For families, particularly in wrongful death cases, this compensates for the emotional loss of a loved one.

Punitive Damages

In some cases, the court may award punitive damages in addition to economic and noneconomic compensation. These are designed to punish the nursing home or staff for particularly egregious or intentional acts of abuse. Punitive damages also serve as a deterrent to prevent similar behavior from occurring in the future.

The Cost of Hiring a Redding Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer

At Nursing Home Law Center, we understand that the financial burden of legal fees can be a concern, especially when dealing with the aftermath of nursing home abuse. That’s why we operate on a contingency fee basis. This means that you don’t pay any upfront costs or legal fees unless we successfully recover compensation for you. 

Our fees are only collected if we win your case through a settlement or court verdict. This arrangement ensures that everyone can access experienced legal representation without the added stress of out-of-pocket expenses.

You Have Limited Time to Take Legal Action in Redding

If you suspect that your loved one has been a victim of nursing home abuse, it’s crucial to act quickly. In California, there is a statute of limitations that sets a deadline for filing a nursing home abuse claim. 

Generally, victims and their families have two years from the date of the abuse or injury to file a lawsuit. However, certain factors may affect this timeline, such as when the abuse was discovered or if the victim has a mental or physical incapacity.

Failing to file a claim within this timeframe may result in losing your right to pursue compensation. It’s important to consult with an experienced nursing home abuse lawyer as soon as possible to ensure your case is filed within the legal deadlines and that evidence is preserved.

Contact a Redding Nursing Home Abuse Attorney Today!

At Nursing Home Law Center, our experienced team of attorneys is dedicated to securing justice for victims of nursing home abuse in Redding, California. With a proven track record of successful settlements and verdicts, we are committed to holding negligent facilities accountable and ensuring that your loved ones receive the care and dignity they deserve.

Call us at (800) 926-7565 or fill out our contact form.

Client Reviews

Jonathan did a great job helping my family navigate through a lengthy lawsuit involving my grandmother's death in a nursing home. Through every step of the case, Jonathan kept my family informed of the progression of the case. Although our case eventually settled at a mediation, I really was...

- Lisa

After I read Jonathan’s Nursing Home Blog, I decided to hire him to look into my wife’s treatment at a local nursing home. Jonathan did a great job explaining the process and the laws that apply to nursing homes. I immediately felt at ease and was glad to have him on my side. Though the lawsuit...

- Eric